Source code for

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, List
from import DataType, TensorType, tensor_type, data_type
from import Expr, convert, Var, Constant, var
from import DataLayout
from .reduce_operations import ReduceOperation, ReduceType

class ComputeNode(Expr):
    def __init__(self, name): str = name

class ScalarNode(ComputeNode):
    def __init__(self, name: str):
        self._type: Optional[DataType] = None

    def type(self) -> DataType:
        if self._type is None:
            from import infer_type

            self._type = infer_type(self)
        return self._type

class TensorNode(ComputeNode):
    def __init__(self, name: str):
        self._type: Optional[TensorType] = None

    def type(self) -> TensorType:
        if self._type is None:
            from import infer_type

            self._type = infer_type(self)
        return self._type

    def ndim(self) -> int:
        return len(self.type.shape)

    def const_shape(self) -> List[int]:
        return list(int(v) for v in self.type.shape)

    def shape(self) -> List[Expr]:
        return list(self.type.shape)

    def is_concrete(self) -> bool:
        return all(isinstance(v, Constant) for v in self.shape)

    def is_symbolic(self) -> bool:
        return not self.is_concrete()

class ScalarInput(ScalarNode):
    def __init__(self, name: str, dtype: DataType):
        self.dtype: DataType = dtype

class TensorInput(TensorNode):
    def __init__(self, name: str, ttype: TensorType):
        self.ttype: TensorType = ttype

class ReduceCompute(ScalarNode):
    def __init__(
        shape: Sequence[Expr],
        axes: Sequence[Var],
        value: Expr,
        reduce_operation: ReduceOperation,
        accumulate_dtype: DataType,
        self.shape: Tuple[Expr] = tuple(shape)
        self.axes: Tuple[Var] = tuple(axes)
        self.value: Expr = value
        self.reduce_operation: ReduceOperation = reduce_operation
        self.accumulate_dtype: DataType = accumulate_dtype

class ArgReduceCompute(ScalarNode):
    def __init__(
        self, name, extent: Expr, axis: Var, value: Expr, reduce_operation: ReduceOperation, index_dtype: DataType
        self.extent: Expr = extent
        self.axis: Var = axis
        self.value: Expr = value
        self.reduce_operation: ReduceOperation = reduce_operation
        self.index_dtype: DataType = index_dtype

class GridCompute(TensorNode):
    def __init__(
        self, name: str, shape: Sequence[Expr], axes: Sequence[Var], value: Expr, layout: Optional[DataLayout] = None
        self._shape: Tuple[Expr] = tuple(shape)
        self.axes: Tuple[Var] = tuple(axes)
        self.value: Expr = value
        self.layout: Optional[DataLayout] = layout

[docs]def scalar_input(name, dtype) -> ScalarInput: """ Define an input scalar node. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the input scalar. dtype: str or DataType The scalar type of the input scalar. Returns ------- ret: ScalarInput The input scalar node. """ if isinstance(dtype, str): dtype = data_type(dtype) else: assert isinstance(dtype, DataType) return ScalarInput(name, dtype)
[docs]def tensor_input(name, dtype, shape, layout=None) -> TensorInput: """ Define an input tensor node. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the input tensor. dtype: str or DataType The scalar type of the tensor. shape: Sequence[Expr or int] The shape of the tensor. layout: DataLayout, optional The layout of the tensor. Returns ------- ret: TensorInput The input tensor node. """ ttype = tensor_type(dtype, shape, layout) return TensorInput(name, ttype)
[docs]def reduce(shape, fcompute, reduce_type, accumulate_dtype='float32', name: Optional[str] = None) -> ReduceCompute: """ Define a reduction node. Parameters ---------- shape: Sequence[int or Expr] The domain of the reduction. fcompute: Callable[[Sequence[Var]], Expr] The compute function. It takes a list of reduction variables and returns the reduction value. reduce_type: ReduceType or str The type of the reduction. accumulate_dtype: str or DataType The data type of the accumulator. name: Optional[str] The name hint for the output. If not specified, the name will be generated automatically. Returns ------- ret: ReduceCompute The reduction node. """ from import simplify reduce_type = ReduceType(reduce_type) shape = [convert(v) for v in shape] axes = [var() for _ in shape] value = simplify(convert(fcompute(*axes))) if name is None: name = f'acc_{}' return ReduceCompute( name=name, shape=shape, axes=axes, value=value, reduce_operation=ReduceOperation.from_name(reduce_type), accumulate_dtype=data_type(accumulate_dtype), )
[docs]def compute(name, shape: Sequence[Union[int, Expr]], fcompute, layout=None) -> TensorNode: """ Define a grid compute node. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the compute node. shape: Sequence[Union[int, Expr]] The shape of the compute node. fcompute: Callable[[Sequence[Var]], Expr] The compute function. It takes a list of index variables and returns the output value corresponding to the index. layout: DataLayout, optional The layout of the compute node. Returns ------- ret: TensorNode The grid compute node. """ from import simplify shape = [convert(v) for v in shape] axes = [var() for _ in shape] value = simplify(convert(fcompute(*axes))) return GridCompute(name=name, shape=shape, axes=axes, value=value, layout=layout)
[docs]def arg_reduce(extent, fcompute, reduce_type, index_dtype='int64', name=None) -> ScalarNode: """ Define an arg reduction node. Parameters ---------- extent: int or Expr The domain of the reduction. fcompute: Callable[[Var], Expr] The compute function. It takes a reduction variable and returns the value to compare. reduce_type: str or ReduceType The type of the reduction. index_dtype: str or DataType The data type of the index. name: str, optional The name of the output. If not specified, the name will be generated automatically. Returns ------- ret: ScalarNode The arg reduction node. """ from import simplify # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel reduce_type = ReduceType(reduce_type) extent = convert(extent) axis = var() value = simplify(convert(fcompute(axis))) if name is None: name = f'arg_{}' return ArgReduceCompute( name=name, extent=extent, axis=axis, value=value, reduce_operation=ReduceOperation.from_name(reduce_type), index_dtype=data_type(index_dtype), )