Source code for hidet.cuda.graph

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, c-extension-no-member
from typing import List, Sequence, Optional, Any, Callable
from cuda import cudart
from cuda.cudart import cudaGraphExec_t
from hidet.graph.tensor import Tensor
from import MemoryPool, CudaMemoryAPI, memory_pool
from hidet.runtime.device import Device
from hidet.utils import same_list, exiting
from .device import current_device
from .stream import Stream, StreamContext, current_stream
from .memory import memcpy_async

class CudaGraphCreationError(Exception):

class FreezableMemoryAPI(CudaMemoryAPI):
    def __init__(self, device: Device):
        self.frozen: bool = False

    def malloc(self, nbytes: int) -> int:
        if self.frozen:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot malloc when the memory device is frozen')
        return super().malloc(nbytes)

    def free(self, addr: int):
        if self.frozen:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot free when the memory device is frozen')

    def freeze(self):
        self.frozen = True

    def unfreeze(self):
        self.frozen = False

class CudaGraphCapture:
    def __init__(self): = Stream()
        self.stream_context = StreamContext(
        self.captured_graph: Optional[cudart.cudaGraph_t] = None

    def __enter__(self):
        (err,) = cudart.cudaStreamBeginCapture(
  , cudart.cudaStreamCaptureMode.cudaStreamCaptureModeGlobal
        if err != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("cudaStreamBeginCapture failed with error: {}".format(

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        err, self.captured_graph = cudart.cudaStreamEndCapture(
        assert err == 0, err
        self.stream_context.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

    def __del__(self, is_shutting_down=exiting.is_exiting):
        if is_shutting_down():
        if self.captured_graph is not None:
            (err,) = cudart.cudaGraphDestroy(self.captured_graph)
            assert err == 0, err

    def instantiate(self) -> cudaGraphExec_t:
        if self.captured_graph is None:
            raise RuntimeError("cuda graph has not been captured yet")
        err, graph_exec = cudart.cudaGraphInstantiateWithFlags(self.captured_graph, 0)
        if err != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("cudaGraphInstantiate failed with error: {}".format(
        return graph_exec

[docs]class CudaGraph: """ Create a cuda graph to capture and replay the execution of a series of cuda kernels launched in a function. The graph is created by calling the constructor with the following arguments: Parameters ---------- f_create_inputs: Callable[[], List[Tensor]] A function that creates the input tensors of the graph. This function is called before f_run. f_run: Callable[[List[Tensor]], List[Tensor]] A function that runs the graph. Only the cuda kernels launched in this function will be captured. Rerunning this function must launch the same cuda kernels in the same order. The input tensors of this function will be the output tensors of the f_create_inputs function. ref_objs: Any The objects that should keep alive during the lifetime of the cuda graph. It may contain the weight tensors that are used in the graph. """ def __init__( self, f_create_inputs: Callable[[], List[Tensor]], f_run: Callable[[List[Tensor]], List[Tensor]], ref_objs: List[Any], ): self._memory_api: FreezableMemoryAPI = FreezableMemoryAPI(Device('cuda', current_device())) self._memory_pool: MemoryPool = MemoryPool( memory_api=self._memory_api, block_size=4096, max_reserve_size=10 * 1024**3 ) self._graph_capture: CudaGraphCapture = CudaGraphCapture() self._inputs: List[Tensor] = [] self._outputs: List[Tensor] = [] self._ref_objs: List[Any] = ref_objs with memory_pool(self._memory_pool): # create the input tensors self._inputs = f_create_inputs() # warmup the run function num_warmup = 2 for _ in range(num_warmup): f_run(self._inputs) # capture the cuda graph self._memory_api.freeze() with self._graph_capture: self._outputs = f_run(self._inputs) # instantiate the cuda graph self._graph_exec: cudaGraphExec_t = self._graph_capture.instantiate() def __call__(self, *inputs: Tensor): if len(inputs) == 0: else: if len(self.outputs) == 1: return self.outputs[0] else: return self.outputs def __del__(self, is_shutting_down=exiting.is_exiting): if is_shutting_down(): return if hasattr(self, '_graph_exec'): (err,) = cudart.cudaGraphExecDestroy(self._graph_exec) assert err == 0, err self._memory_api.unfreeze() def copy_inputs(self, inputs: Sequence[Tensor], stream: Optional[Stream]): if len(inputs) != len(self._inputs): raise ValueError("the number of inputs does not match") for src, dst in zip(inputs, self._inputs): if src.is_symbolic(): raise ValueError("the input tensor is symbolic") if not same_list(src.shape, dst.shape): raise ValueError("the shape of input does not match") if src.dtype != dst.dtype: raise ValueError("the dtype of input does not match") if src.device != dst.device: raise ValueError("the device of input does not match") memcpy_async(,, num_bytes=dst.nbytes, stream=stream) @property def inputs(self) -> List[Tensor]: """ The inputs of the cuda graph. """ return self._inputs @property def outputs(self) -> List[Tensor]: """ The outputs of the cuda graph. """ return self._outputs
[docs] def run(self, inputs: Optional[Sequence[Tensor]] = None) -> List[Tensor]: """ Run the cuda graph synchronously. If the inputs are provided, the inputs will be copied to the internal inputs of the cuda graph before running. Parameters ---------- inputs: Optional[Sequence[Tensor]] The optional inputs to run the cuda graph. Returns ------- outputs: List[Tensor] The outputs of the cuda graph. """ stream = current_stream() self.run_async(inputs, stream) stream.synchronize() return self.outputs
[docs] def run_async(self, inputs: Optional[Sequence[Tensor]] = None, stream: Optional[Stream] = None) -> List[Tensor]: """ Run the cuda graph asynchronously. If the inputs are provided, the inputs will be copied to the internal inputs of the cuda graph before running. Parameters ---------- inputs: Optional[Sequence[Tensor]] The optional inputs to run the cuda graph. stream: Optional[Stream] The optional stream to run the cuda graph. If not provided, the current stream will be used. Returns ------- outputs: List[Tensor] The outputs of the cuda graph. """ if stream is None: stream = current_stream() if inputs is not None: self.copy_inputs(inputs, stream) cudart.cudaGraphLaunch(self._graph_exec, stream) return self.outputs