Source code for hidet.cuda.event

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, c-extension-no-member
from __future__ import annotations
from cuda import cudart
from cuda.cudart import cudaEvent_t
from hidet.utils import exiting

[docs]class Event: """ A CUDA event. Parameters ---------- enable_timing: bool When enabled, the event is able to record the time between itself and another event. blocking: bool When enabled, we can use the :meth:`synchronize` method to block the current host thread until the event completes. """ def __init__(self, enable_timing: bool = False, blocking: bool = False): self._enable_timing: bool = enable_timing self._blocking: bool = blocking self._handle: cudaEvent_t if not enable_timing: flags = cudart.cudaEventDisableTiming else: flags = cudart.cudaEventDefault err, self._handle = cudart.cudaEventCreateWithFlags(flags) assert err == 0, err def __del__(self, is_exiting=exiting.is_exiting): if is_exiting(): return (err,) = cudart.cudaEventDestroy(self._handle) assert err == 0, err
[docs] def handle(self) -> cudaEvent_t: """ Get the handle of the event. Returns ------- handle: cudaEvent_t The handle of the event. """ return self._handle
[docs] def elapsed_time(self, start_event: Event) -> float: """ Get the elapsed time between the start event and this event in milliseconds. Parameters ---------- start_event: Event The start event. Returns ------- elapsed_time: float The elapsed time in milliseconds. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access if not self._enable_timing or not start_event._enable_timing: raise RuntimeError("Event does not have timing enabled") err, elapsed_time = cudart.cudaEventElapsedTime(start_event._handle, self._handle) assert err == 0, err return elapsed_time
[docs] def record(self, stream=None): """ Record the event in the given stream. After the event is recorded: - We can synchronize the event to block the current host thread until all the tasks before the event are completed via :meth:`Event.synchronize`. - We can also get the elapsed time between the event and another event via :meth:`Event.elapsed_time` (when `enable_timing` is `True`). - We can also let another stream to wait for the event via :meth:`Stream.wait_event`. Parameters ---------- stream: Stream, optional The stream where the event is recorded. """ from import Stream, current_stream if stream is None: stream = current_stream() if not isinstance(stream, Stream): raise TypeError("stream must be a Stream") (err,) = cudart.cudaEventRecord(self._handle, stream.handle()) assert err == 0, err
[docs] def synchronize(self): """ Block the current host thread until the tasks before the event are completed. This method is only available when `blocking` is `True` when creating the event, and the event is recorded in a stream. """ if not self._blocking: raise RuntimeError("Event does not have blocking enabled") (err,) = cudart.cudaEventSynchronize(self._handle) if err != 0: raise RuntimeError("cudaEventSynchronize failed with error: {}".format(